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full church gospel


Pastoral Message



May the sweet and so wonderful peace of Jesus Christ completely envelop your heart. I am  here as a prophet of God to plant the blessed word of the Lord in your heart. People often confuse the word prophet a little, some think that  prophet is just one who foresees the future and tells what will happen. No, a prophet is one who speaks for someone else as well.
Today I want to plant this living seed that is the word of God. Everything written in the Bible has a purpose. And the purpose is exactly to get us to know God, His ways, His will, His purposes. When your heart is full of these revelations, when you come to understand that the Lord is good, that His mercy lasts forever, there comes a wonderful, wonderful peace that overflows in our hearts.

God is no respecter of persons, all people are equal to Him, He does not love one person more than He loves another, His love is the same for everyone. His love is unconditional. We human beings learn to love through conditions, we love when, if, because. But He chose to love us regardless of whatever predicate we have, namely, He chose to love us.

When our heart begins to understand this truth of the Lord's unconditional love, when we respond to this love by approaching us and saying "Lord, I need you, your help", when you come to see God not as that being so far away, so far away, but someone present, someone who is close to you now, in this moment, you understand that there is nothing in your life that He is not contemplating, knowing. His love is so great, His goodness is so full, His faithfulness goes from generation to generation on those who seek Him.


Walter Oliveira

Assistante Manager


Olga Ortiz



Firmin Castaneda


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